Azure Husbandry Cherokee Long Ear Popcorn Seed, Organic
Azure Husbandry Cherokee Long Ear Popcorn Seed, Organic
Cherokee Long Ear is very similar to the Cochiti Pueblo with its stunningly colorful kernels, but the ears are much longer and productive - around 8-14" long! The kernels pop a little larger and have a similar nutty flavor and crunch. A delightful heirloom popcorn to grow and eat. Also used as an ornamental popcorn as well. Open pollinated.
WHERE & WHEN TO PLANT: Sow seeds in spring when the ground is warm and all danger of frost is past. Corn likes evenly fertilized, rich soil. Well-rotted manure/compost mixed into each row prior to planting will stimulate growth and increase yield and size considerably. We prefer to plant seeds 1 ½ ” deep in a row with the seeds spaced 14-18” apart. Rows are spaced approx. 2 ft. apart. Plant in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination.
REMARKS: Evenly water throughout the summer and preferably stop watering at the end of the season to let the corn dry down. Harvest when stalks have dried and turned golden color. The kernels may be dry also, but if not, the cobs will need to be dried for long storage. After harvesting the corn, peel back the husks and tie together to hang dry or take the husks off and rack dry with proper air circulation. The kernels are dry when they come off the cob fairly easily. Twist the cobs to get the kernels off. Pour corn in front of a fan to clean any chaff from it. Store in a cool, dry place.
Azure Husbandry Cherokee Long Ear Popcorn Seed, Organic
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